11. Tell Your Story

This week's challenge is about telling your own story!
The first challenge is simply to write and gather important events in your life so far. 
We will be talking about them in our Family History Journals in the next year or so. These will be
done on Sundays. You will just have one goal and you can talk about your life however you want to.
These are great things to gather for when you do that.

date, city and state, the hospital, your health when you were born (did you have any complications),
any interesting details about your birth, your parents names

if you were a mover from a young age or if you were slow to walk, what your personality was 
as an infant or young child, what was your first word, and were you outgoing or shy? Were you
scared of a lot of things or pretty brave?

any surgeries, health issues, disease, or diagnosis that are worth noting

which schools have attended along with their locations and when you attended them, your favorite
subjects through the years, you favorite teacher so far, if you like or school or don't and why

talents you feel you have, extra-curricular activities you participate in or participated in prior,
skills you are trying to improve on.

how many siblings, what are their names and ages or birth dates, are you the oldest, or youngest, etc.,
where do you and your parents live, do you live in a house with both parents and all of your
siblings or do some live in other places,


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