2. Find Someone Interesting in your Family Tree

Welcome back! If you didn't do the first challenge, don't worry! The main part of that challenge was to get an account and learn about your login information. I can help! Please reach out. 

Here is the second challenge. It is SO easy but going to be awesome. Watch the video above and then, view your family tree on your account and see how much of it is filled out. It may be really filled out with lots of people or it may not be filled out at all. Find one person either from your tree (or just from talking with your parents) that you’d like to know more about. This could be your great great grandfather born in 1900 or a third cousin twice removed. Choosing someone that lived in the 1900’s will be easier to find things for in the future challenges but you can search for anyone. If you don't have anyone you feel comfortable researching in your family, reach out and I can help to offer some alternatives.


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