Make a journal entry about your life and someone you are connected to.

 I went to a family history conference called Roots Tech and the theme was, "How do you want to be remembered?" 

I have also been reading and experiencing the power of stories and how they help us become more like our Savior. Our Savior taught in parables which are often stories and so we know they are important. Heavenly Father directed His prophets to write about their experiences for our benefit. Imagine if Nephi never wrote about getting the golden plates, or building a ship. Perhaps Lehi never talked about the Tree of Life and if Joseph Smith never talked about his witness of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in The Sacred Grove. Our lives would be very different if we didn't have that information. I don't think Heavenly Father expected the prophets to write everything perfectly or to be a super amazing writer and I don't think he expects you to be either. The goal is to make a journal entry and at least mention one ancestor or someone you are close to. It could be a simple as this example:

"I learned that my ancestor Artamesia Romney was a great painter and I love that because I love to paint too"...

It's okay to draw, write, color, make lists in a journal entry. You can talk about the rest of your life and just make mention of your ancestor or it can be ALL about your ancestor. It is okay to handwrite it, type it, put it on your phone, or keep it any other way. We will in the future learn how to upload our journal entries into the FamilySearch memories app but for now, the goal is just to make a journal entry. 

It may seem like you don't have much to say yet but starting to journal, or write your feelings down, or even when you feel the spirit making note of it, or telling a story you learned about your ancestor -- those are all great ways to be remembered and remember others. All of your ancestors did amazing things but not all of them had journals. Some of your ancestors deserve to be remembered and this is a great way to do that.  


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